Learn with Sally
"Learning never exhausts the mind."
Leonardo da Vinci
Choose from workshops online or in-person, masterclasses, every day classes, and daily doses of movement. Designed to lead you further into your passion, increase your confidence and expertise, and progress your own practice.
Online Classes
I have been presenting classes on Pilates Anytime global platform for over ten years now. I love presenting for PA and since 2022 we have a program area dedicated to Reach Movement Health programs. I'd love you to integrate these classes and daily doses of movement into your daily life!
Online Workshops
Workshops ranging from short through to intensive programs, are all offered via my Reach Movement Health platform. All of them are highly practical and have videos of repertoire with instructional cueing and application discussion, theory, programming and multiple choice quizzes.
If you want help figuring out which workshops are best for you at anytime, just contact me.
You will find on this platform my workshops as well as workshops by other experts who I recommend too.